Thursday, August 9, 2012

Lemons, Meet Lemonade. An Unusual Book CONTEST


This is a strange contest, and one I'm not sure has ever been done before, but why the heck not?


I'm aware of two typos on the first few pages of Surprisingly Supernatural. The first is on page two and the second is on page four. In both cases, it appears a word has been omitted from a sentence. *This book was edited to death by me, an editor, and the publisher, but errors are bound to happen. Even superstar, best-sellling authors have typos in their published books. Please keep this in mind.*

If you spot these mistakes (or, God forbid, others...) send them to:  
and I will snail mail you a super awesome, reading related mystery prize! Could be a book by a best-selling author, could be author promo swag, could be a poster or a pickle or a pear. It's a surprise and everyone will receive something different!

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