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Monday, January 18, 2016

DIY Hanging Orb Light

This DIY Hanging Orb Light was incredibly simple to make. You'll need two of these "14 embroidery hoops, found here. This will give you 4 wooden circles in all.

I spray painted the hoops with antique brass Rustoleum spray paint, found here

 You'll need a light bulb socket and cord. You can find these at almost any store or here on Amazon. 

After your hoops are dry, simply assemble them into the shape of an orb. The adjustment screws on two of the hoops will make this easier. I used a bit of twine on the top and bottom to hold them in the shape I liked. You can use glue, brads or twine at the points where the hoops meet. 

Wrap the cord around the top of the orb so that the light bulb socket hands in the middle of the orb. Add a light bulb annnnnd you're done! Easiest DIY evah!